In-game name: Goonehh
Class: Paladin
Stats: [HP~12k, Mana~10k, Spell Power~1200+, Attack Power~0, Armor~1900, Resilence~276, Bonus Healing~1500+, Critical Chance~20% Anything else important for YOUR class: Nah i just pwn xD]
Tallent build: X/Y/Z format~ 40/0/21
Forum Name: Goonehh on this forum, on Scapegaming's forum Gstar
Your time zone: GMT +1/+2/... GMT+1
Time when you usualy play: (your time zone time) Dont say i play from 6PM-9PM server time... Say normaly time that you using in your region. Around 2:45 - Till i got smthng else to do
Admin edit: I will not use my 1 click bbye